Digital transformation through the customer lens
What is the definition of success as defined by your customer or even your customer’s customer?
How confident are you that your programme has the right balance between cost efficiency and meeting your customer’s needs in a human way?
Are you confident you have de-risked your investment?
Is your process as efficient as it could be?
How effectively you deliver the product?
Could technology or digital transformation help improve that efficiency?
Can we use digital transformation to support the customer experience?
A customer-first approach to digital transformation
A true brand experience

Chris Garthwaite is CEO of CGA and is recognised as a pioneer of customer experience, based on his work over the last thirty years, helping clients around the world design and deliver design compelling customer propositions.
CGA a highly respected Customer consultancy, specialising in customer-centric insight and change programmes. Working with leading brands across a range of sectors, CGA one of Europe’s leading Customer experience solution providers, and specialises in helping clients navigate the challenges of changing customer needs, societal shifts and digital disruption.